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  • 姓名: 高彩霞
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 电话: 82177918
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: gaocx@aircas.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 新技术园区 E座814
    简  历:
  •     高彩霞,中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,研究员。研究方向为定标与真实性检验、热红外遥感,重点开展了光学载荷定标溯源、热红外温度反演等方面研究。先后主持承担科技部国家重点研发课题、国家自然科学基金委员会面上/青年基金、部委和地方科技项目25项。发表学术论文60余篇,合著专著4部,授权专利13项,国家标准2项,获得省部级奖励1项。


    2020.12-至今      中国科学院空天信息创新研究院     研究员

    2020.03-2020.11   中国科学院空天信息创新研究院     副研究员

    2014.12-2020.03   中国科学院光电研究院             副研究员

    2012.07-2014.11   中国科学院光电研究院             助理研究员

  • 定标与真实性检验、热红外遥感

  • (1)基于稀疏表示的高光谱热红外地表温度反演与质量追溯研究项目  负责人  国家自然科学基金面上项目  2023.01-2026.12

    (2)面向低分辨率高光谱热红外数据的地表温度和发射率反演方法研究项目  负责人  国家自然科学基金面上项目  2017.01-2020.12

    (3)基于国产气象卫星数据的地表温度和比辐射率反演方法研究项目 负责人  国家自然科学基金青年项目  2014.01-2016.12

    (4)统一质量标准的地基场网综合验证技术课题 负责人 国家重点研发课题  2018.05-2022.05

    (5)辐射计量基准传递试验组织与同平台载荷计量应用示范 负责人 国家重点研发子课题  2022.12-2026.11 

    (6)可见近红外波段高精度大动态光谱辐亮度计量技术 负责人 国家质量基础设施体系 2022.11-2026.9 

  • (1)学术论文

    [1]Xue, C., Gao, C., Hu, J., Qiu, S., Wang, Q. 2022. Automatic boat detection based on diffusion and radiation characterization of boat lights during night for VIIRS DNB imaging data. Optics Express, 30(8): 13024-13038. (SCI)

    [2]Zhao, E., Gao, C., Han, Q., Yao, Y., Wang, Y., Yu, C., Yu, H. 2022. An Operational Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Methodology for Chinese Second-Generation Huanjing Disaster Monitoring Satellite Data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15: 1283-1292. (SCI)

    [3]Gao, C., Liu, Y., Wu, Z., Ma, L., Qiu, S., Li, C., Zhao, Y., Han, Q., Zhao, E., Qian, Y., Wang, N. 2021. An approach for evaluating multisite radiometry calibration of Sentinel-2B/MSI using RadCalNet sites. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14: 8473-8483. (SCI)

    [4]Zhao, E., Han, Q., Gao, C. 2020. Surface temperature retrieval from Gaofen-5 observation and its validation. IEEE Access, 9: 9403-9410. (SCI)

    [5]Gao, C., Liu, Y., Liu, J., Ma, L., Wu, Z., Qiu, S., Li, C., Zhao, Y., Han, Q., Zhao, E., Qian, Y., Wang, N. 2020. Determination of the key comparison reference value from multiple field calibration of Sentinel-2B/MSI over the Baotou site. Remote Sensing, 12(15): 2404. (SCI)

    [6]Gao, C., Liu, Y., Qiu, S., Li, C., Ma, L., Han, Q., Liu, J., Zhao, E., Zhao, Y., Qian, Y., Wang, N. 2020. Radiometric cross-calibration of GF-4/VNIR sensor with Landsat8/OLI, Sentinel-2/MSI, and Terra/MODIS for monitoring its degradation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13: 2337-2350. (SCI)

    [7]Zhao, E., Gao, C., Yao, Y. 2020. New land surface temperature retrieval algorithm for heavy aerosol loading during nighttime from Gaofen-5 satellite data. Optics express, 28(2): 2583-2599. (SCI)

    [8]Gao, C., Qiu, S., Li, C., Tang, L., Ma, L., Qian, Y., Zhao, Y., Ren, L. 2019. Evaluation of land surface temperature by comparing FY-3C/VIRR with Terra/MODIS and MSG/SEVIRI data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(5-6): 1779-1792. (SCI)

    [9]Gao, C., Qiu, S., Zhao, E., Li, C., Tang, L., Ma, L., Jiang, X., Qian, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, N., Ren, L. 2017. Land surface temperature retrieval from FY-3C/VIRR data and its cross-validation with Terra/MODIS. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10(11): 4944-4953. (SCI)

    [10]Gao, C., Zhao, Y., Li, C., Ma, L., Wang, N., Qian, Y., Ren, L. 2016. An investigation of a novel cross-calibration method of FY-3C/VIRR against NPP/VIIRS in the Dunhuang test site. Remote Sensing, 8(1): 77. (SCI)

    [11]Li, C., Ma, L., Gao, C., Tang, L., Wang, N., Liu, Y., Zhao, Y., Dou, S., Zhang, D., Li, X. 2014. Permanent target for optical payload performance and data quality assessment: Spectral characterization and a case study for calibration. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 8(1): 083498-083498. (SCI)

    [12]Gao, C., Zhao, E., Li, C., Qian, Y., Ma, L., Tang, L., Jiang, X., Huo, H. 2015. Study of aerosol influence on nighttime land surface temperature retrieval based on two methods. Advances in Meteorology, 2015. (SCI)

    [13]Qian, Y., Zhao, E., Gao, C., Wang, N., Ma, L. 2014. Land surface temperature retrieval using nighttime mid-infrared channels data from airborne hyperspectral scanner. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(3): 1208-1216. (SCI)

    [14]Gao, C., Li, Z., Qiu, S., Tang, B., Wu, H., Jiang, X. 2013. An improved algorithm for retrieving land surface emissivity and temperature from MSG-2/SEVIRI data. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 52(6): 3175-3191. (SCI)

    [15]Gao, C., Tang, B., Wu, H., Jiang, X., Li, Z. 2013. A generalized split-window algorithm for land surface temperature estimation from MSG-2/SEVIRI data. International journal of remote sensing, 34(12): 4182-4199. (SCI)


    [17]杨治纬,高彩霞,邱实,马灵玲,钱永刚,赵永光. 2023.典型陆表稳定目标热红外辐射特性分析及适用性评估. Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(5).

    [18]刘京儒,高彩霞,刘耀开,赵永光,马灵玲,邱实,李传荣,唐伶俐,钱永刚,王宁. 2020.光学载荷多场地地基综合验证定权方法. Acta Optica Sinica, 40(17): 1712002.

    [19]Duan, S., Li, Z., Gao, C., Zhao, W., Wu, H., Qian, Y., Leng, P., Gao, M. 2020. Influence of adjacency effect on high-spatial-resolution thermal infrared imagery: Implication for radiative transfer simulation and land surface temperature retrieval. Remote Sensing of Environment, 245: 111852. (SCI)


    [1]Thermal Remote Sensing: Comparison of the thermal sensors of SEVIRI and MODIS for LST mapping,Springer Book,合著,2013-05




  • (1)高彩霞(4/10),高分辨遥感综合定标技术系统及其应用,中国科学院科技促进发展奖,二等,2015.12
