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  • 姓名: 张丽
  • 性别: 女
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 电话: 010-82178099
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: zhangli@radi.ac.cn
  • 通讯地址: 北京市海淀区邓庄南路9号中科院遥感与数字地球研究所
    简  历:
  •   张丽,中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,研究员,硕导。主要从事植被生态遥感和土地资源遥感调查等方面的研究。近年来,先后主持和参加国家973、863、科技支撑、国家自然科学基金等科研项目10余项。获得测绘科技进步奖一等奖1项(排名第一),发表论文69篇(其中SCI论文33篇)。 


      2010-2014   北京师范大学                           地图学与地理信息系统   博士 

      2003-2005   South Dakota State University,U.S.A   地理                   硕士 

      1994-1998   武汉测绘科技大学                       计算机图形图像         学士  


      2015.04–至今        海南省地球观测重点实验室                                                 副主任 

      2015.02–至今        中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所                                           研究员 

      2008.01–2015.01     原中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心/现中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所  副研究员 

      2005.10–2008.01  美国地质调查局地球资源观测与科学中心(USGS EROS)                             Environmental Scientist 

      1998.07–2003.06  中国测绘科学研究院                                                          实习、助理研究员 

  •   植被生态遥感,土地资源遥感调查 

  •   1.国土资源部公益行业科研专项 第四课题 “山海原一体化立体规划与优化配置技术研究”,2014-2016,课题负责人 








  •   1. Zhou, Y., Zhang, L.*, Fensholt, R., Wang, K., Vitkovskaya, I., and Tian F. (2015). Climate Contributions to Vegetation Variations in Central Asian Drylands: Pre- and Post-USSR Collapse. Remote Sensing. 7, 2449-2470. 

      2. Xiao, J., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L. (2015). Contributions of natural and human factors to increases in vegetation productivity in China. Ecosphere, in press. 

      3. L. Zhang, H. Guo, G. Jia, B.K. Wylie, T.G. Gilmanov, D.M. Howard, L. Ji, J. Xiao, J. Li, W. Yuan, T. Zhao, S. Chen, G. Zhou, and T. Kato. (2014). Net ecosystem productivity of temperate grasslands in northern China—an upscaling study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 184: 71-81.  

      4. L. Zhang, H. Guo, C. Wang, L. Ji, J. Li, K. Wang, and L. Dai. (2014). The long-term trends (1982-2006) in vegetation greenness of the alpine ecosystem in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 72:1827-1841. 

      5. L. Zhang, J.F. Xiao, L. Li, L.P. Lei, and J. Li. (2014). China’s sizeable and uncertain carbon sink: A perspective from GOSAT. Chin. Sci. Bull, 59(14):1547-1555.  

      6. B. Zhang, L. Zhang*, H. Guo, P. Leinenkugel, Y. Zhou, L. Li, and Q. Shen. (2014). Drought impact on vegetation productivity in the Lower Mekong Baisn. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35: 2835-2856. (*Corresponding author)  

      7. Y. Zhou, L. Zhang*, J.F. Xiao, S.P. Chen, and T. Kato. (2014). A comparison of satellite-derived vegetation indices for approximating gross primary productivity of grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 67(1): 9 -18.  

      8. B. Li, L. Zhang*, Q. Yan, and Y.J. Xue. (2014). Application of piecewise linear regression in the detection of vegetation greenness trends in the Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(4):1526-1539.  

      9. L. Ji, L. Zhang, J. Rover, B. Wylie, X.X Chen. (2014). Geostatistical estimation of signal-to-noise ratios for spectral vegetation indices. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 96: 20-27.  

      10. K. Wang, L. Zhang*, Y. Qiu, L. Ji, F. Tian, C. Wang, and Z. Wang. (2014). Snow effects on alpine vegetation in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. International Journal of Digital Earth. 

      11. C. Wang, H. Guo, L. Zhang, S. Liu, Y. Qiu, and Z. Sun. (2014). Assessing phenological change and climatic control of alpine grasslands in the Tibetan Plateau with MODIS time series. International journal of biometeorology, Mar 29. (Epub ahead of print)  

      12. C. Wang, H. Guo, L. Zhang, Y. Qiu, Z. Sun, J. Liao, and Y. Zhang. (2014). Improved alpine grassland mapping in the Tibetan Plateau with MODIS time series: a phenology perspective. International Journal of Digital Earth, 1-20. 

      13. M.B. Rigge, B.K. Wylie, L. Zhang, and S.P. Boyte. (2014). Influence of management and precipitation on carbon fluxes in Great Plains grasslands. Ecological Indicators, 2013, 34: 590-599.  

      14. L. Zhang, H.D. Guo, L. Ji, L.P. Lei, C.Z. Wang, D.M. Yan, B. Li, &J. Li. (2013). Vegetation greenness trend (2000–2009) and the climate controls in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 7 (1), 073572.   

      15. Xiao, J., Zhang, L., Chen, J., John, R. (2013). Dynamics of vegetation productivity in Dryland East Asia from 1982 to 2010. Dryland East Asia (DEA). Land Dynamics Amid Social And Climate Change, Chen J, Wan S, Henebry G, Qi J, Gutman G, Sun G, Kappas M (eds.) HEP and De Gruyter, 125-147. (Book Chapter) 

      16. Wang, Cuizhen, Raymond Hunt, Li Zhang, and Huadong Guo. (2013). Spatial distributions of C3 and C4 grass functional types in the U.S. Great Plains and their dependency on inter-annual climate variability. Remote Sensing of Environment, 138:90-101. 

      17. Y.J. Xue, S.G. Liu, L. Zhang, &Y.M. Hu. (2013). Integrating Fuzzy Logic with Piecewise Linear Regression for Detecting Vegetation Greenness Change in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska International Journal of Remote Sensing. 34 (12), 4242–4263.  

      18. Z. C. Zeng, L. P. Lei, L. J. Guo, L. Zhang, &B. Zhang. (2013). Incorporating temporal variability to improve geostatistical analysis of satellite-observed CO2 in China. Chinese Sci Bull, 58.  

      19. Feng Tian, Yunjia Wang, Rasmus Fensholt, Kun Wang, Li Zhang, and Yi Huang. (2013). Mapping and Evaluation of NDVI Trends from Synthetic Time Series obtained by Blending Landsat and MODIS Data around a Coalfield on the Loess Plateau. Remote Sens, 5:4255-4279.  

      20. L. Zhang, J.F. Xiao, J. Li, K.Wang, L.P. Lei & H.D. Guo. (2012). The 2010 spring drought reduced primary productivity in southwestern China, Environmental Research Letters, 7, 045706. 

      21. Y.X. Gu, Wylie, B.K., L. Zhang, & Gilmanov, T. G. (2012). Evaluation of carbon fluxes and trends (2000-2008) in the Greater Platte River Basin: a sustainability study for potential biofuel feedstock development,Biomass and Bioenergy, 47, 145-152.  

      22. Y.X. Gu, Howard, D.M., Wylie, B.K., & L. Zhang. (2012). Mapping carbon flux uncertainty and selecting optimal locations for future flux towers in the Great Plains. Landscape Ecology,27 (3), 319-326. 

      23. L. Zhang, L. Ji, & Wylie, B. (2011). Response of Spectral Vegetation Indices to Soil Moisture in Grassland and Shrubland. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(18),5267-5286. 

      24. L. Zhang, Wylie, B. K., L. Ji, Gilmanov, T. G., Tieszen, L. L., &Howard, D. M. (2011). Upscaling carbon fluxes over the Great Plains grasslands: Sinks and sources, J. Geophys. Res., 116, G00J03.   

      25. L. Zhang, Wylie, B., L. Ji, Gilmanov, T., & Tieszen, L.L. (2010).Climate-Driven Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange in the Northern Great Plains Grasslands, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 63: 40-50.  

      26. L. Ji, L. Zhang, &Wylie, B. (2011). On the terminology of spectral vegetation index (NIR-SWIR)/(NIR+SWIR). International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21(32), 6901-6909. 

      27. Guo, H.-D., B. Zhang, L.-P. Lei, L. Zhang, Y. Chen. (2010). Spatial distribution and inducement of collapsed buildings in Yushu earthquake based on remote sensing analysis. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences (Science in China Series D), 53(6): 794-796.   

      28. L. Ji, L. Zhang, & Wylie, B. (2009). Analysis of Dynamic Thresholds for the Normalized Difference Water Index. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75: 1307–1317.   

      29. L. Lei, L. Liu, L. Zhang, J. Bi, Y. Wu, Q. Jiao, & W. Zhang. (2009). Assessment of Spatial Variation of the Collapsed Houses in Wenchuan Earthquake with Aerial Images. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3, 031670. 

      30. Wylie, B., L. Zhang, L. Ji, Tieszen, L.L., & Jolly, M. (2008). Boreal Forest Performance Anomalies in the Yukon River Basin. International Journal of Digital Earth,1: 196–220.   

      31. L. Zhang, Wylie, B., Loveland, T., Fosnight, E., Tieszen, L. L., L. Ji., & Gilmanov, T. (2007). Evaluation and Comparison of Gross Primary Production Estimates for the Northern Great Plains Grasslands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 106: 173–189.